November 26, 2023

Mojo 🔥 Advent of Code 2023

Jack Clayton

Calling all Mojicians 🪄

Advent of Code is an annual online coding event that takes place during the holiday season, starting on December 1st and continuing until December 25th. It consists of a series of small programming puzzles that are released daily, each becoming available at midnight EST (UTC-5). Participants from around the world compete for fun, honing their coding abilities and often learning new programming concepts in the process. The puzzles vary in difficulty, starting relatively easy and getting progressively more challenging.

It's a great way to learn a new language, put your Mojo 🔥 solutions in a GitHub repository and send a link to our discussions thread or our #advent-of-code channel on Discord. Ask questions, or discuss your solutions and show people new ways to solve the problem.

We want this to be a fun collaborative event to improve our Mojo skills together, not a competition. We regularly send Mojo swag to active community members, so get involved and you might have a box of goodies coming your way!

You can download Mojo 🔥 here, read the introduction for Python devs, and the programming manual for systems devs.

Happy Holidays!

Jack Clayton
AI Developer Advocate

Jack Clayton

AI Developer Advocate

Jack started his career optimizing autonomous truck software for leading mining companies, including BHP and Caterpillar. Most recently he was designing computer vision software, putting AI inference pipelines into production for IDVerse. He is enormously passionate about the developer community, having been a Rust, Go, Python and C++ developer for over a decade. Jack enjoys making complicated topics simple and fun to learn, and he’s dedicated to teaching the world about Mojo 🔥.