Updated: June 22, 2024

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Title and Authors:

The title of the paper is "Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone". The authors are a large team from Microsoft including Marah Abdin, Russell J. Hewett, Olatunji Ruwase, Sam Ade Jacobs, Jamie Huynh, and many others, totaling over fifty contributors.

Abstract Summary:

The paper introduces phi-3-mini, a compact 3.8 billion parameter language model capable of running on mobile devices with performance comparable to larger models such as GPT-3.5 and Mixtral 8x7B. It emphasizes the use of a unique dataset composed of heavily filtered web data and synthetic data to train smaller models without compromising their performance.

Key Concepts:

  • Small Language Models (SLMs): Efficient models capable of deployment on devices with limited resources.
  • Dataset Optimization: Use of heavily filtered web data and synthetic data for training to enhance model performance.
  • Model Scaling: Detailed scaling results for models with different parameters (phi-3-mini, phi-3-small, phi-3-medium) showing effectiveness at various scales.
  • Quantization: Techniques to reduce the model size for mobile deployment, specifically 4-bit quantization for phi-3-mini.

Problem Statement:

The main challenge addressed by the paper is developing a language model that is both small enough to operate on a mobile phone and powerful enough to perform at the level of much larger contemporary models.

Methods and Techniques:

  • Transformer Architecture: Utilizing a transformer decoder architecture with modifications for size and performance optimization.
  • Quantization: Applying 4-bit quantization to the model to fit and perform efficiently on mobile devices.
  • LongRope: A technique to extend the context length in the smaller model version, enabling it to handle longer text sequences effectively.
  • Data Filtering: Innovations in selecting and processing training data to maximize model effectiveness without the need for extensive computing resources.

Key Results:

Phi-3-mini demonstrated strong performance across various benchmarks, achieving scores like 69% on MMLU and 8.38 on MT-bench. It rivals larger models and showcases the effectiveness of its training and architecture in a mobile-friendly format.

Contributions and Innovations:

  • Model Size Reduction: Successfully reducing the model size to enable local deployment on mobile devices without losing performance.
  • Data Filtering and Synthetic Data Use: Innovations in data preparation that allow smaller models to perform as well as larger ones.
  • Model Architectural Adjustments: Implementing architectural techniques like LongRope and quantization to maintain performance within the constraints of mobile hardware.

Future Work:

The authors suggest further optimization of their data mixture for larger models and continued investigation into reducing the model size while maintaining or improving performance benchmarks.


The phi-3-mini can be used in mobile applications requiring natural language processing, such as virtual assistants, mobile-based chatbots, and real-time language translation applications that can operate fully offline.

Relevant Links

Here are the relevant links extracted from the paper:

  1. Preprints and Research Publications:
    • Gunasekar, Suriya, et al. "Textbooks Are All You Need." arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.11644, 2023.
    • Vaswani, Ashish, et al. "Attention Is All You Need." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 30, 2017.
    • Kaplan, Jared, et al. "Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08361, 2020.
    • Ding, Yiran, et al. "Longrope: Extending LLM Context Window Beyond 2 Million Tokens." arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.05463, 2024.
    • Other various arXiv preprints cited throughout the paper related to language models and their training methods.
  2. Benchmarks and Datasets:
    • Hendrycks, Dan, et al. "Measuring Mathematical Problem Solving With the MATH Dataset." 2021.
    • Zellers, Rowan, et al. "HellaSwag: Can a Machine Really Finish Your Sentence?" ACL 2019.
    • Clark, Peter, et al. "Think You Have Solved Question Answering? Try ARC, The AI2 Reasoning Challenge." 2018.
    • Other benchmarks like GSM-8K, MedQA, AGIEval, TriviaQA, Arc-C, Arc-E, PIQA, SociQA, BigBench-Hard, WinoGrande, OpenBookQA, BoolQ, CommonsenseQA, TruthfulQA, and HumanEval mentioned for model evaluation.
  3. Organizations and Projects:
    • Meta AI's Llama-3 announcement.
    • Various references to OpenAI's GPT models and their blogs.

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